Entertainment & Politics

Overarching cultural trends shape the context of politics.  At the beginning of our current presidential election cycle, it was assumed that the effect of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision — the entry of big money through unregulated SuperPacs — would reconfigure the primary process.  But money hasn’t mattered so much.  Donald Trump’s expertise as a television personality and new-media manipulator directed through the cable news industry’s gluttonous appetite for entertaining narratives have created a pathway to electoral success that sidesteps the advertising, robocalling, and polling that political money can buy.  But dreadful consequences are hinted; sensation replaces substance; outrage overpowers insight, as free access defeats paid-for messaging.  Once successfully mined, the cultural power of old and new media obviates big money.  Sanders goes small and gets big; no doubt the Kochs, eyeing Trump, look on in shock an dismay!

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Contact Information

Bill Ivey
Phone: (615) 891-1500
Email: BI(at)GlobalCulturalStrategies.com

Through Indiana University: wjivey@iu.edu

Literary Agent:
Sarah Lazin
Email: SLazin@Lazinbooks.com

Speaking Engagements:
American Program Bureau
Phone: (617) 614-1600


Global Cultural Strategies
4322 Harding Pike
Suite 417
Nashville, TN 37205